POST api/Update
Method that accepts HTTP POST requests to submit new inquiries. NOTE: if using XML format, fields MUST BE ORDERED ALPHABETICALLY.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
UpdateRequestName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UniversalLeadID | string |
None. |
ReferenceID | string |
None. |
Action | string |
None. |
PartnerCode |
Unique code assigned to individual partners. |
string |
Required Max length: 20 |
FirstName |
First name |
string |
Max length: 50 |
LastName |
Last name |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Email1 |
Primary email address |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Email2 |
Secondary email address |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Address1 |
Primary address |
string |
Max length: 100 |
Address2 |
Additional address details |
string |
Max length: 100 |
City |
City of residence |
string |
Max length: 100 |
State |
State of residence |
string |
Max length: 10 |
ZipCode |
Zip Code |
string |
Max length: 10 |
Country |
Country |
string |
Max length: 20 |
Phone1 |
Primary phone |
string |
None. |
Phone2 |
Secondary phone |
string |
None. |
Notes |
Notes to be included with inquiry |
string |
Max length: 500 |
Notes2 |
Secondary notes to be included with inquiry |
string |
Max length: 500 |
Notes3 |
Tertiary notes to be included with inquiry |
string |
Max length: 500 |
Employer |
Employer |
string |
Max length: 50 |
CurrentProfession |
Current profession |
string |
Max length: 50 |
WorkExperience |
Work Experience - years of work experience |
string |
Max length: 50 |
ConsentFlag |
Consent to be contacted: true/false |
boolean |
None. |
Age |
Age |
string |
Max length: 10 |
Income |
Income |
string |
Max length: 20 |
DesiredAppointmentTime |
Requested appointment time in this format: 01/01/2017 1:00 PM NOTE: Day and Month fields must have 2 digits and Time field range is 1:00 through 12:59 followed by AM or PM. Exactly one whitespace between date and time fields, exactly one white space between minutes field and AM|PM. |
string |
Matching regular expression pattern: ^([1-9]|0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.]([1-9]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d( )([1-9]|1[012])[:]([0-5][0-9]( )[A|P][M])$ |
MilitaryAffiliation |
Does Inquiry have any military affiliation? |
boolean |
None. |
PreferredContactMethod |
Instructions for preferred method of contact: e.g. Phone or Email |
string |
Matching regular expression pattern: Chat|Email|Phone|Text |
Location |
Location is used for location or type of service: e.g. location where a program may be offered |
string |
None. |
ProgramOfInterest |
Program of interest: this is a code associated with the program in question |
string |
Max length: 100 |
UpdatedProgramOfInterest | string |
Max length: 100 |
FullProgramName |
Full program name: this is the full, user-friendly name of the program in question |
string |
Max length: 100 |
MostRecentSchool |
Name of inquiry's most recent school - high school or college |
string |
Max length: 100 |
HighestEDULevel |
Highest level of education attained |
string |
Max length: 100 |
HighSchoolGraduationYear |
Year in which inquiry graduated from high school |
string |
Max length: 20 |
Term |
School term in which the prospected is interested |
string |
Max length: 50 |
EducationalGoals |
Any specific educational goals to be discussed |
string |
Max length: 500 |
CareerGoals |
Any specific career goals to be discussed |
string |
Max length: 500 |
StartTimeline |
General desired start timeline: 09/01/2017. Note 2 digits are required for Day and Month fields (leading 0's if necessary). |
string |
Matching regular expression pattern: ^([1-9]|0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.]([1-9]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d$ |
FinancialAssistance |
Does Inquiry require financial assistance? |
boolean |
None. |
CRMNotes | string |
None. |
LastAction | string |
None. |
ProcessStatus | string |
None. |
VelocifyLeadId | string |
None. |
IntegrityContactRep | string |
None. |
VelocifyDateAdded | string |
Max length: 100 |
VelocifyDateModified | string |
Max length: 100 |
FirstAssignment | string |
Max length: 100 |
FirstContactAttempt | string |
Max length: 100 |
LastContactAttempt | string |
Max length: 100 |
LeadActionCount | string |
None. |
CreateToFirstContactAttempt | string |
None. |
TotalContactAttempts | string |
None. |
OriginalRequest | string |
None. |
OpportunityId | string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UniversalLeadID": "sample string 1", "ReferenceID": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3", "PartnerCode": "sample string 4", "FirstName": "sample string 5", "LastName": "sample string 6", "Email1": "sample string 7", "Email2": "sample string 8", "Address1": "sample string 9", "Address2": "sample string 10", "City": "sample string 11", "State": "sample string 12", "ZipCode": "sample string 13", "Country": "sample string 14", "Phone1": "sample string 15", "Phone2": "sample string 16", "Notes": "sample string 17", "Notes2": "sample string 18", "Notes3": "sample string 19", "Employer": "sample string 20", "CurrentProfession": "sample string 21", "WorkExperience": "sample string 22", "ConsentFlag": true, "Age": "sample string 24", "Income": "sample string 25", "DesiredAppointmentTime": "sample string 26", "MilitaryAffiliation": true, "PreferredContactMethod": "sample string 28", "Location": "sample string 29", "ProgramOfInterest": "sample string 30", "UpdatedProgramOfInterest": "sample string 31", "FullProgramName": "sample string 32", "MostRecentSchool": "sample string 33", "HighestEDULevel": "sample string 34", "HighSchoolGraduationYear": "sample string 35", "Term": "sample string 36", "EducationalGoals": "sample string 37", "CareerGoals": "sample string 38", "StartTimeline": "sample string 39", "FinancialAssistance": true, "CRMNotes": "sample string 41", "LastAction": "sample string 42", "ProcessStatus": "sample string 43", "VelocifyLeadId": "sample string 44", "IntegrityContactRep": "sample string 45", "VelocifyDateAdded": "sample string 46", "VelocifyDateModified": "sample string 47", "FirstAssignment": "sample string 48", "FirstContactAttempt": "sample string 49", "LastContactAttempt": "sample string 50", "LeadActionCount": "sample string 51", "CreateToFirstContactAttempt": "sample string 52", "TotalContactAttempts": "sample string 53", "OriginalRequest": "sample string 54", "OpportunityId": "sample string 55" }
application/xml, text/xml
<UpdateRequest xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Action>sample string 3</Action> <Address1>sample string 9</Address1> <Address2>sample string 10</Address2> <Age>sample string 24</Age> <CRMNotes>sample string 41</CRMNotes> <CareerGoals>sample string 38</CareerGoals> <City>sample string 11</City> <ConsentFlag>true</ConsentFlag> <Country>sample string 14</Country> <CreateToFirstContactAttempt>sample string 52</CreateToFirstContactAttempt> <CurrentProfession>sample string 21</CurrentProfession> <DesiredAppointmentTime>sample string 26</DesiredAppointmentTime> <EducationalGoals>sample string 37</EducationalGoals> <Email1>sample string 7</Email1> <Email2>sample string 8</Email2> <Employer>sample string 20</Employer> <FinancialAssistance>true</FinancialAssistance> <FirstAssignment>sample string 48</FirstAssignment> <FirstContactAttempt>sample string 49</FirstContactAttempt> <FirstName>sample string 5</FirstName> <FullProgramName>sample string 32</FullProgramName> <HighSchoolGraduationYear>sample string 35</HighSchoolGraduationYear> <HighestEDULevel>sample string 34</HighestEDULevel> <Income>sample string 25</Income> <IntegrityContactRep>sample string 45</IntegrityContactRep> <LastAction>sample string 42</LastAction> <LastContactAttempt>sample string 50</LastContactAttempt> <LastName>sample string 6</LastName> <LeadActionCount>sample string 51</LeadActionCount> <Location>sample string 29</Location> <MilitaryAffiliation>true</MilitaryAffiliation> <MostRecentSchool>sample string 33</MostRecentSchool> <Notes>sample string 17</Notes> <Notes2>sample string 18</Notes2> <Notes3>sample string 19</Notes3> <OpportunityId>sample string 55</OpportunityId> <OriginalRequest>sample string 54</OriginalRequest> <PartnerCode>sample string 4</PartnerCode> <Phone1>sample string 15</Phone1> <Phone2>sample string 16</Phone2> <PreferredContactMethod>sample string 28</PreferredContactMethod> <ProcessStatus>sample string 43</ProcessStatus> <ProgramOfInterest>sample string 30</ProgramOfInterest> <ReferenceID>sample string 2</ReferenceID> <StartTimeline>sample string 39</StartTimeline> <State>sample string 12</State> <Term>sample string 36</Term> <TotalContactAttempts>sample string 53</TotalContactAttempts> <UniversalLeadID>sample string 1</UniversalLeadID> <UpdatedProgramOfInterest>sample string 31</UpdatedProgramOfInterest> <VelocifyDateAdded>sample string 46</VelocifyDateAdded> <VelocifyDateModified>sample string 47</VelocifyDateModified> <VelocifyLeadId>sample string 44</VelocifyLeadId> <WorkExperience>sample string 22</WorkExperience> <ZipCode>sample string 13</ZipCode> </UpdateRequest>
Response Information
Resource Description
Response data structure containing ID, timestamp, status and any additional information regarding the inquiry request.
UpdateResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Status | string |
None. |
Message | string |
None. |
TimeStamp | date |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Status": "sample string 1", "Message": "sample string 2", "TimeStamp": "2025-01-18T05:03:50.9303403+00:00" }
application/xml, text/xml
<UpdateResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Message>sample string 2</Message> <Status>sample string 1</Status> <TimeStamp>2025-01-18T05:03:50.9303403+00:00</TimeStamp> </UpdateResponse>