The APIs listed below are available for submitting inquiry data to the service. Click on individual API links for further details.
High Level Notes:
- In order to submit inquiries in XML format, include the following header values in the HTTP POST: Content-Type: application/xml and Accept: application/xml
- In the event that the request is improperly formatted and not recognized by the service, or if fields tagged as required are missing, or if values of fields tagged as being validated are found to be invalid, an exception response in the following format will be returned:
- JSON: { "Message": "The request is invalid.", "ModelState": { "FIELD-NAME": [ "MESSAGE AS TO WHY INQUIRY IS INVALID" ] } } or
{"Message": "The request is invalid.","ModelState": {"inquiry": ["DETAILED ERROR MESSAGE"]}}
- XML: <error><message>The request is invalid.</message><modelstate><FIELD-NAME>MESSAGE AS TO WHY INQUIRY IS INVALID</FIELD-NAME></modelstate></error> or
<Error><Message>The request is invalid.</Message><ModelState><inquiry>DETAILED ERROR MESSAGE</inquiry></ModelState></Error>
- It is recommended to at least save inquiry service responses as text. This is helpful because:
- unique receipt IDs are returned in all valid inquiry responses - these serve as confirmation to you that an inquiry was successfully received by the service
- responses are useful in troubleshooting any problems encountered while submitting requests
- The Response structure returned upon receipt of a request contains a copy of the Inquiry data submitted with the request. It is recommended that during testing, integrators
examine the Inquiry data returned in the Response to ensure that all Inquiry data fields were properly accepted in the request.